What is a Cargo Manifest?

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12 Oct 2015
By admin
Air Cargo Manifest

A cargo manifest is an important document that makes your cargo exists at the cargo carrier


Manifest usually denotes to a customs document in which all the things loaded and passengers on the plane or on the ship are registered for official and administrative purposes.

There are two types of cargo manifest

  • Air cargo manifest
  • Passenger manifest


Passenger manifest

Passenger manifest provides information about the passengers on board a ship or airline. Passenger manifest is set and saved for the record, in case of emergency. If a passenger is missed during any trouble or accident this recorded manifest will help in finding that lost a passenger.

Cargo manifest

Cargo manifest contains a detail of all bills of lading which are provided by  a carrier or its representative for a particular delivery of cargo. Cargo manifest is also known as shipping manifest. This manifest contains the detailed summary of the items that are loaded as a cargo. Cargo manifest shows the number of items, the destination  of delivery of the product, product value and its conditions and loading detail of the cargo. There are many types of cargo manifest.

Air cargo manifest

Air cargo manifest contains all the things including loads of passengers and saleable things put in an airplane before it takes off. For the identification of the product, the label of identification is fixed on the product. Air cargo management uses the cargo list to confirm the loading of the goods on the airplane. Customs also confirm the goods to make sure that all products are certified and also check that there is no prohibited good in the cargo before exporting the cargo inside the country or around the world.

Ship cargo document

Ship cargo manifest prepared for the cargo that transfers through sea  before the ship sails. container ship cargo manifest also shows the detailed list of all the loaded goods on the ship for shipping. Like air cargo tags of identification of goods also fixed on the each and every item. Cargo for which the manifest has been prepared can be called manifested cargo.

Trucking manifest

The truck manifest is made for cargo that carries on trucks after they have been loaded with things for delivery. The purpose of this manifest preparation to ensure that  whether the goods are moved within the state or across the state or border. This manifest is handed over to the truck driver or any person with the driver to escape any worry about cargo during transportation.

 Train cargo manifest

Train manifest is prepared for cargo that moves through rail or train after it has been loaded.

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