Two Cargo Ships Collided at Port of Piraeus

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2 Feb 2016
By admin
Cargo Ships

Both of these cargo ships are owned by Greek companies

La Joie, a general cargo ship, at Port of Piraeus approach collided with Ahti R, a sea cargo freighter. It has not been confirmed that the freighter was carrying the sea cargo Pakistan or some other country. But the initial reports so state big swell and bad weather to be the cause of the accident after steering control problem. Both the ships sustained damage of the bulls but fortunately, no oil leaks were reported.

Off Port of Piraeus, both vessels were detained by the authorities at anchorage for inspection for seaworthiness and safety and repair works. To find out the root cause, the local authorities have started investigation as both ships had pilots on board and there was no way they could have diverged routes.

What information we have available with us tells the general cargo ship La Joie at the approach area of the port was entering while Ahti R, the freighter, leaving the port was also at the approach area at that same time.

Both the ships went near each other after the big swell which caused problem in steering and made the ships collide when they were not headed on crossing routes. The repair works need to be carried out on both vessels after the collision but fortunately, there was no water pollution and no seamen sustained injuries of any sort.

A Greek company Cassiopeia Seaway is managing La Joie (IMO: 7116793), the general cargo ship operating under the flag of Panama. With overall length of 101.50 m, this cargo vessel has moulded beam of 16.00 m and maximum draft of 5.00 m.

The gross tonnage is 4,255 GRT and deadweight of the ship is 6,341 DWT. In 1972, Van Der Giessen De Noord built La Joie at their shipyard in Albalasserdam, Netherlands.

Another Greek company, Palazzo Shiptrade SA is managing the freighter Ahti R (IMO: 7624348) which operates under the flag of Comoros.

With overall length of 81.00 m, this freighter has moulded beam of 14.00 m and maximum draft of 4.00 m. The gross tonnage is 1,839 GRT and deadweight is 2,964 DWT. In 1977, Sander Scheepsen Reparatiebedrij built Ahti R at their shipyard in Delfzijl, Netherlands.

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