Sea Breeze Sinking! Ballast System Blamed for…

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2 Jul 2015
By admin
Sea Breeze at port


2,000 tonnes cargo ship sinking caused by the flood on-board that prompted a major rescue operation in English Channel, ballast system blamed for flood.

An accidental investigation report from the Marine Accident Investigation Branch on the Barbados registered cargo ship Sea Breeze has finally arrived after almost one and half years in depth investigation. The report illustrates that the 2,000 tonnes cargo ship sank in the English Channel when its ballast system faced some serious malfunction.

The engine compartment on-board faced heavy flood and stopped working, however, six crew members have been rescued. To rescue the crew of the cargo vessel, a major rescue operation has been initiated by the Falmouth Lifeboats, according to the reports they succeeded in picking the crew up from the sinking sea cargo giant.

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch has reported that the rescue operation was initiated with full strength to rescue the crew members. A boat from Lizard station was launched along with several vessels and rescue helicopter from Cornwall.

A rescue team from the Royal Naval Air Station at Culdrose in Cornwall had responded to the final emergency call from ship’s captain and reported that an accident had occurred in the English Channel.

According to the report, on the morning of accident, salvage pumps were put on-board from lifeboats and the helicopter, but after all the attempts to rescue the vessel, they were unable to control the water level in the engine room.

The owner of the Sea Breeze also contacted the Salvors, who were able to stable the water level in the engine compartment of the ship. He requested them to stable the on-board water level and tow the ship to the dock.

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch has also reported that the valve actuator gearbox on a seawater-isolation valve in the ballast system was defective so that someone working in that area believed that the valve was shut off when actually it was not. It caused serious flooding in the engine area.

Report stated that the valve position indicator was working correctly but unfortunately it had been overlooked while working on the ballast system. When the pump was removed from the system, engine room already was under heavy flood.

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch report has also stated that the chief engineer and the captain of the Sea Breeze had been dismissed on 7th of April and was accused for gross violation of the safety procedures on board. He was also blamed for the misuse of safety management manual and unsuitability for the position in future.

These actions were taken by the senior management on the bases of an internal report developed by the managers of the Shipmar Company.


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