PIA Warned by Border Force Agency at Heathrow Airport

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27 Apr 2015
By admin

Border Forces at Heathrow Airport alleged Pakistan International Airlines cabin crew for trafficking the illegal goods from UK to Pakistan.


Pakistan International Airlines has received an official warning from the UK Border Forces after cabin crew was repeatedly found and alleged for carrying restricted goods and excess duty free goods. The PIA cabin crew found violating the rules for carrying goods outside the United Kingdom. Border Forces has officially reported to the government of Pakistan for this violation of good allowance.

PIA management has taken the serious notice of the matter launch an inquiry. PIA management stated that the cabin crew of a PIA flight has tarnished the image of the flag carrier of the country as well as the image of Pakistan. The crew involved in the alleged activities will not be tolerated at any cost and would be punished in an exemplary manner.

The management of the PIA is now waiting for the facts and findings of the enquiry. They also said that the punishment could lead to the termination of the job of involved crew on the violation of UK laws.

This shameful action by the cabin crew has been noticed at the government level as well and Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif has expressed his displeasure about the entire affair. He said that the action of the crew members has spoilt the image of country. A strict action should be taken against the culprits.

As an initial action the airline has instantly refreshed their previous instructions and protocols for the cabin crew of passenger and cargo flights to Pakistan from or to all those countries where PIA is operating.  All activities that include non-compliance with local laws will be stopped hard handedly. All the crew members of PIA from now would be require to make a proper Customs declarations for all kind of goods they want to carry with.

New compliance also includes body search and baggage screening at the foreign airports at departure. Foreign airport security forces and anti-narcotics forces will screen and search the PIA crew in coordination with Pakistani parallel forces and authorities. This action very insulting for the crew of any airline but actions of PIA crew require these kind of serious steps to stop tarnishing the image of Airline and Pakistan.

Mr Hanif Rana, PIA spokesperson has said that Government and PIA were fully aware of what had been reported by media and how media played their role to spoil the Image of Pakistan and its flag carrier airline in the world and will be addressed.

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