PIA Cargo Operations with RUSSIA and EUROPE will open New Gates for its Economy

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4 Jul 2017
By admin
PIA Cargo Operations

PIA is in try to regain lost worth in the field of Air Cargo business

PIA Cargo Fleet deals well with cargo from UK, Europe and Russia to Pakistan

The world has become a global village and access from one place to the other place in all over the world is never easy before as it is easy now a day due to science and technology. Now, man can reach far most destinations by ships, by planes and by roads. As the vicinity of human being has increased day by day transportation of goods from one place to the other place also increase. Now we have big ships in the water to transport thousands of tons weight in containers from one region to the other continent by using water and trade moves on water. We have cargo planes and cargo flights to reach those places where water transport cannot reach through air cargo. We have network of roads beyond borders.

Pakistan has deep business and cargo relations with UK

Sub-continent has very deep cargo and business terms with UK. Majority of Muslims of sub-continent moved and settled in UK after partition, now we have a great amount of Muslim community in UK. Trade and business flourish beyond boundaries in between sub-continent and UK. Goods, cargo and transportation business have also deep routes.

Muslim Community lives in UK belongs to Pakistan is in majority and have deep rooted relations in Pakistan, so trade and business relations between these two nations are very strong. As far as cargo and transportation is concerned in between these countries, PIA is the most favorite one for fast cargo to Pakistan. For transportation of people or cargo transportation people of both sides choose PIA to oblige their motherland Airlines.

PIA cargo freight is reasonable, say people of UK

PIA is the only International Airline that has direct flights of Cargo from UK to Pakistan, so people use it with proud and faith. Its cargo fleet also remains busy to attend the cargo activity in between these two nations. PIA offers direct flight to UK from Pakistan so its freight rates are very cheap if we compare with other airlines. Mostly people of UK use PIA for travel and for transportation of their goods.

In Pakistan, there are international standard airports that can affectively deal flight operations and cargo operations and can accommodate air operations from all over the world. PIA is one of the leading airlines of the world that has direct flights for farthest destinations from South Asia. Same is the case with cargo flights of PIA.

PIA cargo fleet has enough business for itself and for its country

PIA is a name of quality and standard, but due to some managerial problems and issues, it could not focus the cargo business spread all around of it but now the time has come when it is on track once again and transportation agreements with different countries are in queue.

In near future, Pakistan is going to start cargo flights for Europe and Russia. Russia has assured that cargo flights between these countries will bring prosperity for both countries and bi-lateral relations will strengthen also. PIA will have cargo destinations in all over the world including UK in near future.

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