How to Work on A Container Ship

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17 Sep 2015
By admin
New Crew Members

Working on a container ship is not a rocket science, anyone can get job

Container ship plays an important role in global business, it helps companies move cargo on the major shipping canal through the world. The largest container ships are transported thousands of tons of goods across international waters.

The continuing increase of international trade is putting the better demand on the global container fleet and its seamen. Many jobs on the container ships are physically demanding, and require staff to stay at sea for a long period of time.

But fresh marine dealers are paid well and have sufficient opportunities for progress, and tour to main cities all over the world. Some important guidelines to work on a container ship handling cargo are given below.

Take a Merchant Mariner’s Certificate.

Any individual who is working on a container ship must obtain an MMC or z-card. The z-card contains a photo ID that indicates the position of the crewman and his qualifications. To obtain a Merchant Mariner’s Credential, you must:

Be a citizen of the country.

Age must be 21 years old, or at least 16.

Either currently hold or be in the process of applying for a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC). A job seeker must provide a copy of his card or application when he is applying for a z-card.

To pass a physical exam is mandatory.

Passing a drug test is also mandatory.

enlist previous sea services, if any.

Earn a certificate in the Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping

All merchant mariners who have an idea to work on container ships more than 100 miles (160 km) from shore must earn a Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) credential. Fresh crewmen must complete a legal, 4-part Basic Safety Training class.

Choose the category of container-ship job that is suitable for you.

Fresh crewmen catch a position either on deck, in the engine room, or in the galley. Some of the most common container-ship jobs for fresh crewman include:

Ordinary seaman (OS):

This is an entry-level deck job. An OS will learn fundamental seamanship during a specified training period.


New engine-room workers start as wipers and perform a wide range of functions, including basic maintenance, cleaning, and inventory.

Steward utility:

New galley hands start their marine jobs in utility roles, which include dishwashing, laundry, and housekeeping. These crewmen often later become stewards, and help in meal preparation and supervise other galley personnel.


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