Covid-19 has successfully reached every corner of the world. Its planet wise attacks have forced all the countries to make policies to deter this pandemic. Preferences of the countries are entirely changed.
Starting from China, this viral disease is threatening even to human survival on this planet earth. It happened that resources with the developing and poor countries were very meagre to cope with this pandemic.
Trade Facilitation
Even the developed counties like America found itself helpless to face it. It is worth mentioning that medical facilities could not tackle this disease. Thousands death occurred due to COVID-19. America, Belgium and Italy are among the countries that are affected badly and have more death rate.
This deserves to mention here that Pakistan is a leading country that has succeeded to keep the COVID-19 on the lower side. Pakistan’s Premier Imran Khan has been keeping a firm stance right from the first day of arrival of this pandemic that due care should be given to the sectors related to business.
Maximum support was given to the lower tier of society. Now when the second wave of COVID is in operation, only smart lockdown is being imposed on certain locations. Due to this, business activities especially, cargo is regaining vigour.
Further exploring the Air Cargo to Pakistan and sea cargo for carrying logistics are the biggest challenges for the cargo policymakers. Various proposals in this connection can be put forth to restore the cargo sector from the shocks of COVID-19.
Cargo Services
Various immediate decisions are to be taken by the concerned authorities like expansion in usage of charter flights, forming the new standard of operations and protective measures for the cargo staff.
If we talk about the global situation of the cargo business, it comes out that air cargo was badly affected in the early days of this pandemic and very less belly cargo remained in operation. But by and by, with the better strategy adopted by the countries especially the UK and Pakistan, things were improved greatly.
Now at the verge of the second wave of this viral disease, cargo deliveries are going on as usual. However, strict preventive measures are adopted in both countries for operating the cargo business.
It goes without saying that all the concerned organizations of the world are paying special heed to pressurize the governments to adopt visionary strategies that could streamline and promote the Cargo to Pakistan.
For instance, The International Air Cargo Association i.e. TIACA is focusing on the governments to take prompt actions for the betterment of cargo sector that is passing through, of course, hard time.
Undoubtedly, cargo contributes significantly towards the economy of a country and obviously plays an important role in international trade also. Likewise, it cannot be denied that air cargo also a front-line soldier in preventing and battling this havoc of coronavirus.
UK to Pakistan
Now evidently the value of air and sea cargo revolves around a rectangle of airlines, shippers, consignees and governments. This reality has more pronounced in the wake of COVID-19 Pandemic.
There is another fact about cargo service that through this service foodstuff and emergency medicines can be sent by using air cargo. Arguably, cargo can also extend its services for the supply of critical food and medical deliveries in most affected COVID-19 areas of Pakistan.
It is a fact that the UK is richer than Pakistan and has more resources than the developing country like Pakistan. Hence various deliveries of life-saving medicines and other related medical equipment can be sent to the affected area through air and sea cargo to Pakistan from UK. It is worthwhile to highlight that both the premiers should have some instant meeting to formulate a viable strategy.