Cargo Business Requires Neat and Clean Atmosphere to Flourish

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29 Jul 2017
By admin
Cargo Business

In Pakistan, Government must take interest to monitor cargo business

There are different aspects that affect cargo business in Pakistan and below are some major factors that affect the cargo business in Pakistan.

Oil prices fluctuation disturbs the whole chain of cargo business

Country like Pakistan where uncertainty is certain, anything could happen anytime. In this atmosphere cargo business do affect a lot more than any business. This business is directly attached to price of fuel, so a little bit fluctuation in fuel prices may increase and decrease the freight rate of cargo goods from one place to the other place in land and internationally. So, cargo business, if profitable in one hand but on the other hand is a dangerous one especially for growing economies like the countries of sub-continent with their uncertainties.

In Pakistan, this field is considered the roughest one, this thinking will harmful to the business

Cargo business is the back bone of any country; if you give the most important thing of your house to a corrupt man, you will definitely get the loss. In Pakistan general opinion about this business is not good and considered as the most rough and tough one, but by the good attitude and behavior, this opinion can be changed. By educating the whole manpower of Pakistan, deals in this business will be very fruitful and educated people will also show their interest in it by investing in this business.

Cargo business, in Pakistan in the hands of ill-literate people from the beginning, scene can be changed if young and educated people show their interest into it.  Government must have to play its role in this connection by giving awareness to common people about cheapest cargo to Pakistan.

Exploitation is another social disease for this business

Countries like Pakistan where rules and regulations are just for the sake of books, exploitation of others are very in, in each and every field of life. This cargo department is mostly dealt by ill-literate people who just think of their personal benefits and loss and nothing else, exploit the situation, the most to get the more benefit.

Exploitation of clients is very common especially on special occasion’s transporter and cargo forwarders exploit the situation and no one raises voice against them. It is the duty of cargo law enforcing agencies that they take notice of these elements and check them strictly. Cargo business drops bad image down to the clients’ minds.

Business monopoly is really dangerous in cargo and trade

In Pakistan, competition is considered the matter of ego. In transportation and cargo business, monopoly of different strong groups have strong control of the whole business of the country. There is no competition at all. By competition, clients get the best company and best freight rates, but if there is no competition at all and the whole system is monopolized, then client is compelled to kneel down and bear the ruthless behavior of cargo companies and transporters.

Competition makes new opportunities for new comers but in Pakistan there is no opportunity for new comers in any field of business especially in the cargo field due to monopolization. Government should and must protect the new comers in each and every business and in cargo business as well to minimize the effect of monopolization.

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