Britain Rising Exports to Pakistan

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20 Jul 2017
By admin
Pak UK Trade

New British companies have been starting big ventures in the country

Slowing down business with countries of Europe definitely indicating need for improving trade ties with rest of the world. Pakistan has been good destination for British goods since independence of the earlier and now companies are focusing more on this South Asian region to keep stable production of their units. Freight forwarding and cargo handling at UK ports for cheap cargo to Pakistan and any other country have been carried out through advanced technological means and installations.

With such facilities list of exports does not remain limited and for sixth largest population of world scope is greater. At different levels, business and commerce entities keep holding talks to nook out opportunities for manufacturers. A recently arranged meeting among three different entities from both sides has concluded in a memorandum of understanding that would strengthen all small and medium sized businesses want to engage in import and export activity.

Rising purchase power of middle class

Trade and investment opportunities have been highlighted and Pakistan has been considered as one of the most lucrative markets for business and investment. Governments of both sides have backed these steps and encourage every single endeavor to enhance bilateral trade. In recent years, purchase power of middle class of the country has increased that is an encouraging sign for the importers to introduce high quality UK products in big cities of Punjab and in Karachi.

More than sixty billion dollar investment of Chinese companies and also CPEC in the country is one of the factors behind present economic scenario. After getting all the projects fully functional, there are chances of next level boom in business activity in different sectors.

Mutual trust leads to strong bilateral ties

A big retailer brand of UK has recently announced its first ever venture with local entity in Karachi. It is a leap forward in taking this decades old bond to new levels of mutual trust. Not only handsome investment will be made to build a magnificent superstore but it would prove a big opportunity to introduce British products on the shelves of this store.

It is a big name among UK brands and is very much familiar for those have visited this country. By such exposure it would be a lot smoother process of making things acceptable for local people.

After big names, rest of exporters show keen interest

In wake of reputed brands of that big size there is strong likelihood of approaching many other products in the same market. Another big advantage for this country economic condition is declaration by world forums of being more favorable than neighboring economic giant. With such a positive image and development of basic infrastructure in the country opportunities are massive for every single importer to establish set up for evident bright future.

At the same time focus on finding shortcomings and faults in present system and procedure could prove very helpful to overcome every single difficulty. Economic ties between nations have become the most important source to improve relations so at different levels efforts continuously being made from both sides.

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