Are we Side-lining the People of Gwadar While Pursuing CPEC Ambitions?

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6 Jul 2018
By admin

CPEC is influencing the lives of native people to a great extent

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is termed as a game changer for the region. It is a mega-development project which spans over decades. Starting from the investment of $46 billion, the cost is now reaching up to a whopping $62 billion. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, this Infrastructure focused project is economically and geographically a game-changer for Cargo to Pakistan and China.

However, a few things are being ignored while chasing the targets. Gwadar is the focal point of all the CPEC related activities thanks to its geo-strategic importance and Deep Sea Port. But, unfortunately, people of Gwadar are being ignored and they are deprived of the fruits of CPEC.

Urban Design of Gwadar

A session held on the banner of ‘Urban Design of Gwadar’, where participants debated how this single largest infrastructure project is going on and what are its perks and consequences.

The former governance specialist of Economic Reforms Unit lamented that local people of Gwadar are facing hardships, and it is the need of the hour to make way for them in the development model.

He said: “China ventured into three such start-up cities and only one is considered a success. It is reasonably good to have one of three cities labeled as a success. Pakistan is betting on only one such city.”

The basis of the whole talk was a research paper named Gwadar’s Governance and financed by the International Growth Centre (IGC). There are reports which say that residents of Gwadar have been told to move away from the traditional fishing areas.

Consequences of ignorance

Such practices can tarnish the reputation of this blockbuster venture. If we cast a glance at the history of successful international mega-development projects, we can observe that the local residents of that particular area played a vital role in the completion of those projects. Moreover, those indigenous people also reaped maximum economic benefits. Nevertheless, in the case of Gwadar Sea Port, things seem to be on the contrary side.

A local citizen of Gwadar who is a teacher by profession, also commented on the ongoing fiasco, saying that the Gwadar port has badly affected the source of income of local people. They have no place to go fishing as the coastline is divided into zones controlled by big influential tribes.

 Suggestions to follow

Having said that, many suggestions were also put forward for the improvement in the state of affairs. It was suggested that Gwadar authorities must develop an economic growth strategy. In addition to that, they suggested that the government should purchase bulk land on pre-determined rates to put a full stop to the rumors.

The government should also share the additional benefits with the local population and provide a suitable place for housing inside the potential metropolitan. The local population must also be given a chance to capitalize on this opportunity and set up businesses like cargo companies which provide door to door cargo facilities, and water sports resorts etc. among many more.



There must be policies devised which are focused on the local population and its integration with CPEC. To strengthen the Gwadar Development Authority’s mandate and commercial proficiency was also one of the suggestions, along with the establishment of a sub-provincial region charged with the responsibilities to carry out development projects.

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